Tinder is a proprietary privacy nightmare that requires one’s Facebook data for functionality. It even has its very own analytics library just to enhance the Orwellian tracking.

You don’t want any of that.

If you’re searching for a partner or a lover, Alovoa is the better corner of the internet to find one. It’s private, secure, and vitally open-source.

You can find the service’s source code here.

Alovoa has an Android and iOS app. Here is the native Android app. Its source code can be found here.

The native Android app was released fairly recently in late October last year, and appeared on F-Droid some days ago. If you encounter any bugs, report them in the Issues section of its GitHub repository.

I’m not the developer.

  • Matthew
    41 year ago

    @ostrich@social.fossware.space The only problem is that there’s barely much people around my area which for me feels sort of pointless, even though I wish I can be away of such apps that obsessed with tracking my data