Surprisingly easier than I thought.

  • sharpiemarker
    11 year ago

    I’ve always wanted to play ED with a controller but could never figure out the mappings.

    I played for a few years with keyboard and mouse and then with a hotas but never a controller.

    Is there a good community profile?

      21 year ago

      I went with elite’s default bindings (which use the ABXY keys as layer selectors) and changes a few little things here and there.

      Right trackpad is mouse for freelook and menus, back buttons are for vertical and lateral thrusters.

      I also have a button menu on the left trackpad that’s filled with useful stuff like FA off, SCBs, chaff and similar that are hard to reach with the layer bindings while you’re steering your ship.

      One little tip: If you hold down one of the ABXY buttons, you will get an overlay that shows you what controls are on that layer. I used it a lot at the start.

      • sharpiemarker
        21 year ago

        One little tip: If you hold down one of the ABXY buttons, you will get an overlay that shows you what controls are on that layer. I used it a lot at the start.

        Brilliant! Thank you for the suggestions.