I am currently using Stumptown Founder’s blend. It is a bit pricey and is Light-Medium at around 15-16 dollars at Target here in the US.

  • @NatureLover@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I also home roast 80% of my beans. I’ve been home roasting for over 25 years. I’m receiving 25 pounds from Sweet Marias today. I picked up 5 pounds each of the following:

    -Congo Organic Kivu Kalehe

    -Costa Rica Tarrazú Cerro La Cruz

    -Java Pulp Natural Gambung Robusta

    -Ethiopia Dry Process Mahamed Aba Nura

    -Kenya Nyeri Kiaguthu Peaberry

    I’m looking forward to playing around with blending with the Java Robusta

    • @NatureLover@lemmy.world
      21 year ago

      Quality un-roasted green beans tend to be in the range of $6 to $8 a pound. On a light roast, about 15% of the weight is lost in roasting. $6 to $8 a pound un-roasted coffee turns into $6.90 to $9.20 a pound roasted. This doesn’t include cost of the equipment, wear and tear and electricity.

      It seems like the going price of artisanal roasted coffee is $12 to $18 pound. IMO, is completely justifiable to charge based on their wholesale cost of goods and labor costs these days.