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  • BlanketsWithSmallpox
    11 months ago

    Objective reality disagrees with many of these. These are good points with understanding that the seriousness some people prescribe to them aren’t as valid as they make them out to be.

    They’re good to keep in the back of your head. So many of these would work better if they weren’t ultimatums completely devoid of reality.

    1. Good.
    2. Good luck saying that while you starve without a UBI.
    3. Worthy to who? Yourself? Sure. But we know you can be better. It’s a quick excuse to not better yourself for so many.
    4. Doing nothing CAN be good for your soul.
    5. I am not SOLELY defined by what I produce.
    6. My worth is not solely measured by X.
    7. Enjoying something doesn’t have to be productive.
    8. Society WILL define what success looks like, but you can live happily and healthily without it.
      211 months ago

      I prefer your list aside from

      #2 UBI or not, we should be honest and admit all work is not equally meaningful, we shouldn’t pretend that my office job is as important as the paediatrician nursing a kid through Lukemia.

      #3, it’s better to start from a position of everyone is worthy and be proven wrong.

      #8 “I will not let society define what success looks like to me” sounds a bit less harsh.