So I’m 14 and I’m going to go to high school next year. I have gone to a private school all my life and I would feel safer to have a phone with me in high school. I think Christmas would be a good time to do it. I don’t know what I want and I would be fine with just a phone. But my dad says I can’t have one until I’m 16 and my mom says the end of 8th grade. Im going to do band in high school and I will start practicing this summer. So I would want to have it for then also. Another reason I want to get one soon because of all the wars going on. My history teacher said it is very likely that World War 3 would start soon. I would like to have one just in case something like that were to happen. He said the economy might crash. Though he might be wrong. Is there any perks to an iPhone that would make them get me one? I’m sorry if this isnt the right place, I don’t really know where else to post this.

    11 months ago

    I’m not going to patronize you like the other comments here, but I do want to warn you to be careful with the whole “World War 3 is coming and the economy will crash” stuff.

    It’s easy to say the world is ending, and that’s why do many people say it, but in reality very very few of them are ever right. You’ll live a much happier life as an optimist, and you’ll be just as prepared for the worst (if not more) by simply living your best life without stressing over some hypothetical societal collapse.

    Besides, on the topic of cell phones: the first thing likely to be disrupted in a large scale war is internet/cell phone service. If you really do want to choose to live in fear, what you want is a HAM Radio, not a cell phone.

    Edit: I guess I never really answered the question. My opinion is that if you can get away with not having a cell phone, hold onto that as long as you can. Smartphones are cool and useful, but they have their drawbacks too, and once you have one, it’s very hard to go back. Not saying don’t get one, but realize that you’ve still got a whole lifetime to be tethered to it, so no rush.