• @Chickenstalker@lemmy.world
    158 months ago

    Economic migrants should go through proper channels to migrate to another country. Note: economic migrants, not refugees. When I wanted to work in NZ, I had to get a job offer, do a medical checkup, take IELTS, apply for the visa and send supporting documents. Don’t shit up another country. Also, illegal immigrants almost always pay smuggling syndicates who then use them as indentured slaves to repay the fees. The employers will also pay them much less due to no workers protection. The end result is they barely have any extra income.

    • Chetzemoka
      8 months ago

      It’s amazing to me how people really believe illegal economic immigrants to the United States are just like “nah man, fuck the paperwork, trudging my way across a life-threatening desert is so much easier”

      I wonder what could possibly create a positive incentive to do something so insane? It couldn’t be that getting legal immigration is almost impossible, could it? Surely it’s the poor people who are wrong.

      Oh wait…

      “Because of the numerical caps and per-country caps on certain green-card categories…as of November 2018, there were 3.7 million people waiting in line abroad for a family-sponsored green card, and 121,000 awaiting an employment-sponsored green card.”


      WE’RE the problem. We simply DO NOT PROVIDE a reasonable legal framework for people who want to come to the United States to do so. They’re still here, mind you. So clearly those county-based immigration caps are very effective.

      If we want to end illegal immigration, then we need to reform the immigration system so more people can do it legally.

    • El Barto
      8 months ago

      “Illegal immigrants” to the U.S. is a consequence of all the shit the U.S. did to Central America in the 1980s. They didn’t have to do any of that. They helped toppling stable, democratic governments to put authoritarian clowns that would do whatever they wanted. And when they finished serving their purpose? “Lol get fucked, y’all, bye Felicia!”

      Also, “People are coming here without our consent!” Hmmm… that sounds kind of familiar.

      • @CmdrShepard
        48 months ago

        “Illegal immigration” has always been a part of this country (migrants coming up to work farms during growing season) except they used to go home during the off-season until border crossings became more strict and they had to stay for fear of not making it back in later. These people obviously serve a purpose here in the US or they wouldn’t be coming but our laws just ignore reality in favor of unworkable solutions that leave these people vulnerable to being exploited.