This just seems redundant.

        • GuyDudemanM
          01 year ago

          Oh look, you do have a sense of humor!

          But it’s actually not a joke. I would LOVE to discuss this with you. Honestly. That’s literally what being in “good faith” is.

            01 year ago

            Well you finally wrote something funny, so here you have. Outside of ban, where i said what i wanted to say, what would you like to discuss?

            • GuyDudemanM
              01 year ago

              I’d like to discuss why tankies are so offended at being called tankies, for one thing. I think it’s a cute name.

                1 year ago

                We do use it by ourselves, but there are two reasons:

                1. We can use it, libs can fuck themselves, especially that it is nearly always accompanied by hot nonsense and we mind the nonsense more.

                2. You know where that came from? Would you like to be called “British” out of the blue?

                • GuyDudemanM
                  01 year ago

                  I do know where it came from.

                  But it’s not a national origin thing like being called “British” would be. It’s more of a philosophical thing. You guys are perfectly okay with driving tanks over thousands of people (rich people, but people nonetheless). That’s what people mean when they call you “tankies”.

                  I don’t think it’s the same as calling an American “British”. Because Americans don’t agree with the British on many subjects. Whereas you guys seem to love Stalin and Mao and Castro and other murdering bastards.

                  Can I ask you something else? Why do you guys seem to vehemently hate “liberals” more than you hate conservatives/fascists? I mean, if I’m at a party, I would much rather talk to a liberal than a conservative. But you guys seem to want to push liberals away.

                    1 year ago

                    You guys are perfectly okay with driving tanks over thousands of people (rich people, but people nonetheless).

                    ???Like where did that even happened???

                    Whereas you guys seem to love Stalin and Mao and Castro and other murdering bastards.

                    This is why nobody will ever discuss with you, you ask the questions in a manner that just scream “bad faith”. You mind is already made and you are not hiding it, and since the numbers are against us, we tend to not engage and ban those types if persistent and concentrate on people not accusing us with heavy and nonsensical idiocy in every second statement.

                    Why do you guys seem to vehemently hate “liberals” more than you hate conservatives/fascists?

                    No we don’t, it’s more of a “low hanging fruit” situation, open fascists are as the name says pretty open and i don’t think we need to explain people how “heil hitler” is bad, but we need to explain how there is basically the same thing under the guise of liberal honeyed words. And if you actually read ML spaces you would find plenty of hate for open fascists too. About republicans there is entire huge subreddit therightcantmeme about dunking on them so if you feel the need for that content there is tons of it. A lot of ML’s are also not Usians so pardon us if we noticed that from outside view there is exactly zero difference between the two wings of capital party, bombs are falling the same regardless.

                    Btw. fascism is fundamentally the same ideology than liberalism, that is capitalism, just in different stage, and liberals are for example currently having speedrun to fascism, and thing standing behind imperialism was always liberalism and is so even more currently, it’s just fascism sugarcoated with honeyed words to bring the “moderates”.

                    The “British” part is btw very old joke, to which you respond we “love the murdering bastards”. Yikes.

                    Seriously if you don’t drop that shit this will be my last post to you, i shouldn’t even write this one but i asked so here you have.