Gauging interest post. Do any of you fabulous folk want to help start a cutting swap community? Always loved them on reddit. Half of my collection is from those fine folks! :)

      17 months ago

      why not use this community? just add tags to the title: [Plant Swap] [Australia] giving away beginner friendly Hoya carnosa / porcelainflower / wax plant you can still learn about the plant and have general discussions in the comments? why split the community?

      • @fossilesque@mander.xyzOPM
        7 months ago

        It’s more like propagating! :) It’s a bit easier to manage communities when you have different containers for different modes as people barely look at sidebars and stickies as is… There I can make it really obvious how these posts should be formatted and not everyone will want to see trades. I was planning on having tags like that, yes! :) it makes it a system and less cluttered with clear places for reviews, etc. Makes it easier for bot setup too, like in plantid. Going to set up a formatting reminder.