
There’s the meme of the rich dude who is leering down towards the reader, judgementally.

Text under the image: People who smoke cigarettes judging people who vape

    1810 months ago

    At the end of the day, the modern hate for nicotine addicts is based in classism, as is most hate for addicts. Look at the demographics at the picture is clear. Ya’ll just hate the poor and disenfranchised and look for excuses to paint over it.

        510 months ago

        Sure, but I’d be willing to bet you express the same disdain for addicts of all stripes, who are predominantly impoverished. Instead of directing your disgust at the power structures and systemic issues that create the situation, you punch down.

        • Phuntis
          2310 months ago

          no I don’t and also I’m not rich in the slightest it’s not punching down it’s only cigarettes and weed that stink that bad of course I hate the tobacco companies and the government for allowing them to prey on addicts but that doesn’t change the fact that it stinks and I don’t wanna ever smell it or breathe in their second hand smoke

          1010 months ago

          I don’t like drug addicts for trashing public places, making them unsafe, for stealing to make money for drugs and so on.

          Dunno if it’s just some innate classism but getting threatened in the subway seems more like some druggie freaking out than a class conflict tbh.

        • Phuntis
          10 months ago

          the hate is about teens who vape as a trend and how marketers did that intentionally with bright colours and fruity flavours and young attractive celebrities popular with teens younger people were less likely to smoke every year more and more disgusted by it then scumbag marketers took vapes and turned them into a trend and now kids are back to smoking it’s better sure but it’s still bad and most vapers aren’t doing it to quit smoking eventually or even just to atleast switch to vapes most started with vaping vapes aren’t just a better alternative to cigarettes and maybe a path to quitting anymore they’re now the tobacco industries rebrand

          310 months ago

          I think this is just a case of correlation doesn’t equal causation.

          People in higher socioeconomic groups tend to consume mind-altering substances in smaller quantities, and often don’t consume the more harmful ones (i.e. cigarettes) at all. Largely because higher socioeconomic status is correlated with higher quality of life and less need to “cope”. As a result the negative affects are seen as less of a downside since the short-term positive mental effects are more impactful to those who have a lower quality of life.

          In lesser words, people who have shitty lives are more likely to opt for less healthy habits to lessen suffering in the short term, despite increased risk of long term side effects.

          Most people couldn’t care less if the person smoking on the corner is wealthy or poor. It’s gross either way.

      10 months ago

      I think self harm is bad, not matter if you’re rich or poor :)

      (also smokers make me smell their smoke)

      10 months ago

      What a load of shit. I don’t hate addicts of any substance, but refusing to tolerate defense or promotion of terrible substances themselves isn’t hating addicts. Wanting to ban sale of cigarettes or vapes to new users, terribly unhealthy ways to consume an exceptionally addictive substance, isn’t fucking classist. So long as you lobby to fix the terrible conditions that lead people to consume such substances, you can use the law to limit their harm and target those that profit from it.

      This sort of argument is overly simplistic and stupid at best, but reeks of bad faith bullshit that promotes the interests of evil corporations while acting like it’s woke.