• No server operator needs to federate with you.
  • No server operator needs to tolerate things they don’t want on their instance.
  • No user of an instance needs to personally curate their own extensive never ending blocklist of users and channels they don’t want to see.

Quit your pseudo-intellectual whining and choose what instance(s) work for you. If you think regularly interacting with shit content somehow helps you stay out of an echo chamber then go ahead and make a second account on those garbage instances full of hateful people. Then you can read both the decent servers and the trash ones and be the fedora wearing ackshually right fair and balanced uber nerd you always wanted to be.

Edit: The huge number of upvotes on this post compared to the low numbers on the whiney imposers’ posts is proof of exactly where this community places its priorities.

  • The Quuuuuill
    61 year ago

    The supreme court has also ruled that “the right of the people to peaceably assemble” includes groups telling people they disagree with to leave. Freedom of association includes freedom to not associate

    • God
      1 year ago

      We’re not Americans tho. Supreme Court can go fly paper planes somewhere else.

      • The Quuuuuill
        81 year ago

        100%. My point wasn’t that the supreme court and the constitution are global law. Just that if people are gonna make first amendment argments, they need to realize that they’re stupid as hell if they think the first amendment gauruntees they be allowed to say anything anywhere to anyone