Are there any pointers or resources you can give me to start out that can point me to the right direction to learn GDScript? I have no experience in coding in general and I’m looking to get started with Godot and using GDScript. Thank you.

    31 year ago

    This script will rotate a MeshInstance2D node clockwise on the screen:

    extends MeshInstance2D
    var rotation_speed: float = 1.0
    func _process(delta: float) -> void:
    	rotate(delta * rotation_speed)
    • Create a new scene
    • add a MeshInstance2d
    • set it’s Mesh parameter on the right to new BoxMesh
    • scale it and put it in the middle of the screen
    • add this script to it
    • press play

    If you’ve figured out to do the above correctly, you will see a box spinning clockwise on your screen.

    Now figure out how spin it counter-clockwise

    After that see if you can figure out how to move it to the left. Then see if you can move it back and forth.

    Congratulations! You’ve started :D