Valve quietly not publishing games that contain AI generated content if the submitters can’t prove they own the rights to the assets the AI was trained on

  • Nihilore
    71 year ago

    won’t last, before long all games will have some elements of ai generated content

    • soundasleep
      61 year ago

      Until the first commercial title gets sued and then publishers won’t touch any game with AI generated content

      • apemint
        61 year ago

        Not likely.
        Studios could and probably will train their own AI models to avoid legal trouble and achieve custom results.
        Beyond AI generated textures, I think it’s just a matter of time before AI generated maps, NPCs, game mechanics, etc. become commonplace.

    • Chariotwheel
      11 year ago

      Though, I suspect there will be actual companies that train completely on data they have legally purchased that then sell it legally to other companies. They greyzone of not knowing if or how much art was taken without permission is the issue at hand.