Another player who was at the table during the incident sent me this meme after the problem player in question (they had a history) left the group chat.

Felt like sharing it here because I’m sure more people should keep this kind of thing in mind.

  • Neshura
    10 months ago

    Valid point, let’s work with it

    Nitpick: “large sum of money” - at least here laser treatment is pretty cheap (less than 1k for both eyes)

    1: My eyesight is too bad for laser treatment, by the time my eyesight would be corrected there would be nothing left of my cornea and likely retina as well.

    1.5: I still have options available to me that, as you point out, just involve throwing more money at the problem

    2: me having that option is beside the point. The point is that even just a minor nuisance like glasses is enough to seriously fuck with someone’s (perceived) quality of life, never mind something that actually severely impacts your daily life.

    • Zagorath
      210 months ago

      at least here laser treatment is pretty cheap (less than 1k for both eyes)

      I’m not sure where you are, but that’s exceptionally cheap. I got it done in Vietnam for about $2k for both eyes. Here in Australia it would be more like $4k per eye.

      • Neshura
        10 months ago

        I suppose the health insurance covers a lot of it, but given the quotes my mother and I (well mine was more a “would cost this much but no can do with your eyes kiddo”) got respectively plus what the health insurance likely paid/pays the “normal” price would still be ~1.5k-2k for both eyes.