Could Bitcoin Millhouse be even less likeable? Yes, the answer is yes.

  • Nik282000
    110 months ago

    Proud to choose a punch in the neck because at least it wasn’t the balls! Our political system is woefully broken.

      19 months ago

      We have systems for that. We can join the various ‘teams’ of people doing the punching and we can, as a group, demand that they change their practices - next convention the group votes on replacing ball punches with a hearty ‘punchbuggy’ to the shoulder. Several leaders run and make promises on how hearty to make that shoulder-punch, and we select someone for the next election between face, neck and shoulder. You don’t get to complain about where the 3 parties are punching if you aren’t in there telling them to change their target - otherwise you got party die-hards saying things like “we’ve always punched to the neck, and that’s what Canadians want.”