This is a fucking insult

    01 year ago

    I’m usually okay with tipping if I have the bread. But donating to some kids hospital or something I always say no. Makes me sound evil but there have been too many scandals with companies not giving the money away

    • Rob T Firefly
      1 year ago

      Even if it isn’t an obvious shady thing with the money not getting donated, even if it’s all “above board” as these things go, when you make a donation at a retail checkout counter the store then donates the money in their own corporate name and gets the tax breaks, good press, and so forth.

      I prefer to make my donations directly to charities rather than subsidizing some middleman company’s good karma.

        11 year ago

        the store then donates the money in their own corporate name and gets the tax breaks, good press, and so forth.

        Oh, hell I’d never thought of this but it makes perfect sense. I already didn’t donate via checkout, but now I never will. Fuck that.