First off, yes, I’m getting rid of my account, but I decided to have a look around on the official app and

  1. It’s hot garbage
  2. I’m subscribed to a bunch of subs I’ve never even interacted with before in my life. What gives? Did they just sign me up for shit without asking? They sent me emails after promising they wouldn’t, they’ve lied about a lot of stuff, but every time I’m surprised they’re such dicks for some reason.

Has anyone else experienced this?

    11 year ago

    To be fair, they’ve always subscribed every new user to like 50 default subs, but I never noticed until I tried the official app because they never showed up on my third party app’s list of subs I’m subbed to. And they never even showed up on my homepage… Subs like /r/videos and whatnot.

    What subs are you alledging they subscribed you to?