• @Alwaysfallingupyup@lemmy.world
    341 year ago

    Nothing wrong with this. Their business their choice. Only time will tell if it was a good choice. depending where it is I dont think it will be. I think everyone is tired of the back and forth bs !

    • @InternetUser2012@rammy.site
      21 year ago

      Cult 45 with their red hat dunce caps is definitely not tired of the back and forth. They don’t give a shit as long as it OwNz ThE dEmZ!!!

    • @CeruleanRuin
      21 year ago

      I defend free speech, even the shitty speech by bigoted assholes, but violating a person’s civil rights is not protected by free speech.

      Once you cross the line into preventing someone from doing a thing just because of who they are, that’s no longer speech but action. And of course the rights of business owners to serve who they want to is a grey area, but that’s what we have the courts for. Unfortunately, the current SCOTUS is so heavily politicized that it seems unable to adjudicate these issues impartially.