circuit stats

    91 year ago

    Another VER win but he had to work for it a little. PER managing a very good damage limitation drive in ending up on the podium

    Ferrari pulling off a double podium could have been a dream come true given where the team was a few weeks back. Alas, it was not to be. 2-4 is not a bad weekend though is it? If they can get strategy sorted out, the car seems to be getting there but tyre deg is still a touch too high.

    NOR killing it today and putting that McLaren on the map yet again. PIA needs to step up or we will be talking about him getting replaced soon. I know he doesn’t have the upgrades this race but ending up rock bottom when your teammate rakes in points is not a good look.

    ALO having a very lonely race but scoring some much needed points. STR just squeaking in a point was nice but he can and should be doing better.

    HAM struggling quite a bit today while RUS seemed more comfortable with the car. But the car seemed to be genuinely struggling at this track. Let’s see what the British isles look like for this team next week.

    GAS doing quite well to clock 2 points for the team. Too bad OCO could not be bullheaded enough to get some points today.

    ALB and SAR having very good runs, a nice change for SAR huh? The Williams is easily the best if the rest at this point.

    ZHO and BOT doing their usual thing. BOT getting squeezed at the start again and ZHO ending up ahead of him but not too far ahead.

    DEV outperformed TSU today, a much needed performance but I am afraid it had more to do with TSU losing it rather than DEV rising to the occasion. Doubt it will cut much ice with Helmut.

    MAG the lone Haas in the fight today and there’s not much good to tell. The car is a shitbox and there don’t seem to be signs of improvement.

    Very thrilling race. 8.5/10.