• Flight – Cannot fly faster than 48 kph/30 mph.
  • Speed – Cannot move faster than the speed of sound or run on penetrable surfaces (e.g., water). Super speed is not restricted to running.
  • Telekinesis – Cannot lift more than 2,270 kilograms/5,000 pounds. Cannot use power on your own body.
  • Invisibility – Must be conscious to remain invisible. Your clothes become invisible when you do.
  • forty2
    8 months ago

    I think telekinesis is the way to go.

    • You can only fly so high before the cold or lack of oxygen get you.
    • Poo is technically not part of me, so you’d see shit floating around when the rest of me is invisible.
    • Speed is only good until you need to turn, and i see no mention of an adamantium skeletal system.
    • Moving all kinds of shit with my mind? I’ll be over here not jerking off with this empty velvet glove