• @tusker@monero.town
    35 months ago

    Keep licking boots and making excuses for a deceasing standard of living for most people caused by your idiotic theories while the bankers laugh at you.

    You will look back at your failed life and realize you were just a dupe all along who was indoctrinated into stupidity and paid for it.

    • Mario
      35 months ago

      @tusker @ezchili

      I so much love these intelligent polemics. You guys please go on. Don’t stop here. 😆

      Frankly, I have to bring my input too. While I understand the need for inflation to stimulate economic growth, I can not understand the need for illegal inflation. During planned emergencies the establishments took advantage and created inflation of over 40% in South America and even 15% in the west (the “democratic” countries).

      • Mario
        45 months ago

        @tusker @ezchili

        The regular 4% inflation clearly proved over time that is not beneficial. there is an alarming percentage of population which is homeless, and living in foreign houses on high rents.

        Monero has a constant inflation of 1%. Actually less than that due to people that loose coins. I can not say if this is the sweetspot to both help economic growth and social prosperity. Only time can say this. NOT THE ECONOMISTS.

        • Mario
          35 months ago

          @tusker @ezchili

          What I can definitely say is that real assets can be stolen/confiscated from you, therefore, it does not have stable value. Monero on the other side can not be subject to these events. Monero might not be perfect but is the best we have at the moment. Satoshi themselves agree with this.

          • @ezchili@iusearchlinux.fyi
            5 months ago

            There’s no reason to not have decentralized anonymous currencies with inflation built in. But crypto is dominated by a demand for speculative assets, not currencies, if there was one it would get zero mainstream interest

            Just use fiat and stocks

        • @ezchili@iusearchlinux.fyi
          5 months ago

          Monero does not have a constant inflation of 1%

          It tends towards 0%, while total value in the economy grows and wallets get lost

          0% would bring deflationary prices everywhere.

      • @tusker@monero.town
        5 months ago

        You stupid moron, I posted the the chart to show that compensation has not kept up. Because if I did not you would have came back with “wages increase along with inflation”

        Then the other chart shows how inflation has destroyed the purchasing power of mostly everyone. If inflation was not at criminal levels then the wage/productivity gap would not really be an issue because people would still be able to afford to purchase everything as before.

        You must be some commie faggot.