Spotify wants me to have a card from said county. I read that you can use PayPal, but they want a phone number from that country.

Any advice?

Edit: I’m aware that there are a lot of solutions to get it for free. I’m aware that I can just download my music.

Currently, I’m running running navidrome for my downloaded music and x manager Spotify for myself.

My wife has an iPhone. I don’t want to download her music. But she’s paying full price for Spotify.

I also like to listen from my work desktop. I have administrative rights, but it would be really dumb to download something like this to my work machine.

In several countries, I can get Spotify for like $30 dollars a year for 2 people. This price would be worth moving to legal. Especially for her, since she’s paying $11 right now

    44 months ago

    I dont know if is allowed share piracy, but search for something like x manager app on duckduckgo / google

    • kratoz29
      144 months ago

      My friend, we are in a piracy community what else would we do here if it is not… Share knowledge.

        74 months ago

        Don’t get me wrong, and I even think I shouldn’t get involved on this, but it’s a bit of a waste to pay for Spotify. imo, it’s a company that doesn’t deserve our money, since they dont care about musicians art and pay very poorly to them. If you want something to listen offline, I recommend Tidal. In the x manager app you have this option with a modified version

      • StellarTabi [none/use name]
        54 months ago

        IDK why’d you even bother with legal, it’s easy enough to rip mp3s out of any youtube video.

        these are in my ~/.zshrc:

        # download any video as mp3
        # if video is chaptered, split each chapter into separate song files
        alias yt-mp3='yt-dlp --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --split-chapters --no-check-certificate'