• @gaifux@lemmy.world
    25 months ago

    So is the alternative to kill people in the womb based on the possibility they might end up joining the army at some point in their lives?

    • @explodicle@local106.com
      175 months ago

      The alternative is to not convince fools that fetuses are people just so that they’ll create more soldiers.

              • @gaifux@lemmy.world
                25 months ago

                How is it dishonest, fool? Your lack of comprehension doesn’t take the place of a logical refutation.

                • @techt@lemmy.world
                  15 months ago

                  It’s a dishonest question because it has no answer. You’re here to argue in bad faith, not contribute to the topic. The only good way to respond is to disengage. Why am I here, then? Well… that’s a story for another time.

            • @Szyler@lemmy.world
              25 months ago

              Nowhere did I day fertilization is commitment.

              If your condom breaks, you never intended to have a baby, thus not committed. If you find out you are pregnant a few weeks later after all and haven’t committed to having the baby, you consider your options and aport it if you don’t want to commit. If you find out you want to keep it, you don’t abort it and you have now made a commitment, and can’t abort it if you change your minds again a few months or years later.

              • @gaifux@lemmy.world
                15 months ago

                Sure, but commitments don’t ultimately change biology. After fertilization, you’re making the choice to snuff out a life or not.

                • @Szyler@lemmy.world
                  15 months ago

                  Correct. Biologically it is just a bunch of cells dividing. Killing cells is not life.

                  When does it come a person? When you have committed to it going to be a person. Which happens after fertilization, not upon it.

                  You are going in circles now trying to put words in my mouth.

                  You asked when it becomes a person. I answered, and you didn’t like that answer.

                  • @gaifux@lemmy.world
                    15 months ago

                    Read a biology textbook lol, this isn’t about your insipid opinions, it’s actually quite a simple fact. Biologically, when does life begin? My bio textbook has a clear answer, and it doesn’t coincide with your brilliant opinion. Let me guess, biology textbooks are all secretly just right wing propaganda too?

    • @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      If they truly cared about “all life” they would be pushing food programs for kids in schools, and persue free education.

      But educated children don’t end up in the military… Quick cut those programs!

      Republicans pull out a Bible and read whatever chapter slightly resembles the doctrine they want to push, and conveniently forget all the rest. And their voting base laps it up because they’ve never actually read a Bible themselves either.

      • @gaifux@lemmy.world
        15 months ago

        You’re right. We’re better off killing them in the womb to prevent any suffering they may have.