• @Feathercrown@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Here’s my modified list:

    • RCV, Approval Voting, or STAR voting. Make voting day a mandatory national holiday, half-day for hospital employees etc. Protect write-in voting. Allow nationwide referendums on a separate ballot on the same day, in case there’s something popular that no candidate is offering
    • Abolish electoral college, and abolish state legislative districts or at least implement a simple district-drawing algorithm
    • Keep the senate and house I guess idk it seems fine to me
    • Give the supreme court term limits without reelection (no campaigning for reelection = less bribery & they can focus on their jobs). They serve for like 10 years or whatever and then you go back to being a normal circuit judge or whatever else you want to do. Give them a bunch of bonus money at the end so they’re less likely to take bribes. Institute strict ethics regulations. These can be arbitrated by a committee of circuit courts. Maybe expand SCOTUS to 13 seats (1 per circuit)
    • idk anything about the house rep cap
    • Universal healthcare
    • UBI, universal unemployment, or shorten the workweek. As we increase automation, we require less labor for a decent standard of living
    • Crank up income tax and close tax loopholes. Double IRS funding, they make more money by catching millionaires+ than they spend on doing so
    • Criminal prosecution for company leaders if they authorize illegal or extremely harmful activities. Any managerial position that accepts orders to carry that stuff out without formally objecting is also liable. Any higher position that allows a lower-position employee to carry out harmful acts without stopping it is also liable. The board is liable if they know what’s happening and do not object.
    • Monetary crimes are resolved by paying back all profits made from the crime, then adding damages on top. Profiting from a crime should not be possible. Non-monetary crimes (bribing government officials, extreme pollution, conspiracy to harm the general population, knowingly selling dangerously defective products without a recall, etc.) should have a large monetary fine AND accumulate “points” against the company. Accumulate enough in a certain period of time (several years at least) and the company is immediately liquidated, with the proceeds going to the same place that taxes do. Or maybe give a little to everyone’s tax refund lmao