• Gabe Bell
    14 months ago

    Hold on – you think we don’t vote in the UK? We don’t have democracy in the UK?

    Where does the original image mention the USA?

    Where do I mention the USA – aside from this post where do I mention the USA?

    Every time I have referred to voting I have been talking about elections in the UK.

    Fucks’ sake – the entire world doesn’t revolve around your pitiful excuse for a democracy. And given what I’ve read here, most of your country doesn’t give a shit about your pitiful excuse for democracy.

      • Gabe Bell
        14 months ago

        Where does it say that, exactly?

        Point out for me where this image mentions America, American democracy, the American election or anything else about your country?

        I’ll wait.

          • Gabe Bell
            14 months ago

            So from that I am supposed to take what?

            This is an American site, so no Brits allowed?

            Tumblr is an American sub, so no Brits allowed?

            Politics is the domain of America so no Brits allowed?

            Democracy is an invention of America so no Brits allowed?

            The original post was about voting. I expressed a point of view about voting. Sure – I wandered off the topic, but you said – and I quote – the original post was about voting in America. Which it wasn’t – it was about voting.

            And so far I haven’t seen anything to change my point of view about that.

            But I have learned that sea-lions are about as snotty as you are.