I would love an AP set entirely in another plane. 2e has little content outside Golarion, but with Elemental Planes being a big part of Rage of Elements, it would be nice to see an adventure set in another plane of existence.

  • macniel
    31 year ago

    Ah navel adventure would run pretty well with the Pathfinder System; and it could herald in Starfinder 2e :D

    • @ErsatzEidolon@lemmy.world
      31 year ago

      I’m in a 2E conversion of Skull and Shackles game which just recently started (1 session in). It’s my understanding that there are a couple really good community conversions of the naval combat rules. One of them I saw was based on Starfinder’s ship combat.

      It would still be great to have an official 2E rule set of course.

      • @TehT@pathfinder.social
        21 year ago

        I’m DMing a S&S homebrew campaign, homebrew story but using established lore. I’ve been using a combination of the Smoke and Sails and 2e Naval Combat rules. Smoke and Sails has more busywork for most of the party, but each action tends to have a pretty low impact like giving a +1 bonus to a different roll that can give a +1 circumstance bonus to one siege weapon attack.

        I ended up hybridizing it with the Naval Combat rules, which is slightly closer to the PF2e vehicle and siege engine rules, but adds customization and upgrades on top of that, unfortunately as with pf2e vehicles, the pilot of the ship does most of the actual decisions and positioning.