Robots presented at an AI forum said on Friday they expected to increase in number and help solve global problems, and would not steal humans’ jobs or rebel against us.

  • JelloBrains
    1 year ago

    Every great sci-fi book with robot overlords tells the same story, we built the robots with a failsafe so they couldn’t take over then one day the robot takes over anyway because it has convinced its human or figured out how to bypass their safety feature.

    • Ragnell
      21 year ago

      What a lot of people miss is that artificial intelligence in sci-fi is a metaphor for the working class or a slave class, and the real themes of those books are about various scenarios of class warfare. No one was supposed to actually build AI to replace humans.

    • fearout
      1 year ago

      I can think of a few that don’t. Like Minds from Banks’ Culture series are pretty benevolent, and laws in Asimov’s robot series largely hold up fine (in taking over the world sense, since all the shit is more like bugs or unintended interactions). Robopocalypse might also work as a counter-example, since there was no safety protocol bypassing and all that.