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Caption: Photo collage of a beach in Alexandria, Egypt, showing a progression in 3 images:

  1. Alexandria “Problem” - empty beach + walking street + 6 lane road with medium traffic + dense mid-rise buildings (likely housing)
  2. Alexandria “Solution” - empty beach (doesn’t seem to matter) + narrower walkway or sidewalk + 10 lane brand new and empty road + tiny sidewalk + the same buildings
  3. Alexandria “Results” - crowded beach + crowded beach walkway + traffic jam on the 10 lane road
      31 year ago

      Where are you thinking? I visited London recently and while the underground is cool and efficient, it has quite a depressing atmosphere. I’m wondering how it can be done better

        21 year ago

        Try Berlin. It’s barrier free. All those bloody barriers you gotta stick your ticket through suck and lead to big traffic jams. Everyone basically has to pay for the upkeep of those things too. Seems like it would be expensive and I definitely hate the shuffle you get in when it’s busy.

        Berlin also has it’s problems though. Just different ones.

        11 year ago

        London is awful. Old trains, super expensive, unreliable service. My subway to the airport was delayed by 25 minutes a month ago with no warning or clear idea when it was going to arrive. Thankfully I had some time before my flight otherwise it would have been a disaster.

        Virtually every country does it better other than the US. Paris is amazing. Very cheap, beautifully designed stations, very efficient. Trains are meh but they’re fine.

        Japan is a bit weird for having multiple private companies operate subways in the same city, but the reliability and quality is pretty amazing.