Hey folks! Instead of missing my niche communities on Reddit, I decided to try my hand at creating a community here on Lemmy.

I’ve been knitting for around 20 years and have even published a few of my original patterns. The first pattern I ever published got picked up by Knitty, which was quite a big deal for me back then. I published a few patterns afterwards, but my designing muse has been dormant for a while. I have several original designs which I’ve never published and I’m hoping to put them up on Ravelry one day.

But in general, I just wanted to start a knitting community here in the hopes that others will join and share their work, ask for advice, and just geek out about knitting in general.

If you don’t have any current work to post, just introduce yourself. Lets start this community together!

  • @kilgore@feddit.deOPM
    31 year ago

    Welcome Birdi! Looking good so far! I’ve never done two at a time, but I also hate knitting socks lol. I guess the good thing is that you won’t have Second Sock Syndrome, which is a very real disorder :D

    • @nyr@feddit.de
      31 year ago

      I sometimes do this (2 at a time) for sleeves to guarantee they have the same length and to minimize second sleeve syndrome. It kind of works but it makes trying on your wip hard to impossible, haha.

      • @Birdie
        21 year ago

        Oooo, that’s a great idea! Although I’d be doing a lot of hoping for the best when it comes to circumference!

    • @Birdie
      21 year ago

      Hopefully I won’t get 3rd and 4th sock syndrome! ;)

      I think next time I’ll do a cable pattern or something else to keep the process a little more interesting.