We can make this a great interesting place and more people will join

  • paorzz
    321 year ago

    I’m trying to comment more often, but I have anxiety issues. Baby steps.

    • @denemdenem@lemmy.world
      111 year ago

      How dare you talked? Do you have no manners? /s

      I didn’t comment/post that much on reddit either, it’s tough.

      • @YerbaYerba
        111 year ago

        Same here. I’d often type out a comment just to delete it with the assumption that I’ll get downvoted or that it’ll start a comment chain of arguing.

        It’s been nice to see other’s perspectives on this.

        So far the culture on Lemmy has been so much more positive. Maybe this is just a side effect of eager early adopters using the platform.

        • @denemdenem@lemmy.world
          31 year ago

          Definitely. All we have is us here and we play a very risky game. If people get hurt they will leave or lurk which is what we DON’T want. So yeah, hopefully there won’t be much issue here for a while.

        • @QuarterSwede@lemmy.world
          11 year ago

          What I learned over the years on Reddit is do not engage the assholes. If they comment and it’s hateful or they’re being a jerk in a reply just don’t reply back and if they just won’t quit the block option is your friend.

          Also to only sub to mostly positive communities. Places like idiotsincars end up with more argument/pedantic comment chains. Not worth it.

          You control what you see.

          I had almost a universally positive experience once I figured that out.

    • Sephi
      51 year ago

      I’m the same. It’s good exposure therapy though. There are also plenty of nice people that will respond to your comments.

    • @bloodsangre7@lemmy.world
      11 year ago

      The barrier to entry is way lower in a community this size. You don’t have to have the most witty thing to say or the hottest meme to share, and you have much less of a chance of getting hive-mind downvoted, its just about engaging where you can and realize that people appreciate you adding to the discussion

      • paorzz
        11 year ago

        Probably a combination of childhood trauma and trust issues.