Ottawa offered up at least $18.6 billion in support of the fossil fuel and petrochemical industries in 2023.

$8 billion in loan guarantees for the Trans Mountain pipeline. $7.4 billion in public financing through the Crown corporation Export Development Canada. $1.3 billion for carbon capture and storage projects.

  • Cyborganism
    52 months ago

    Well… Yeah. Between that and the housing market, what else is running Canada’s economy? Telecom and grocery monopolies? Our economy is not great…

      62 months ago

      Thats why the money should be used to invest and diversify not help oil baron hoard even more wealth.

      • Nik282000
        12 months ago

        Do you think, just maybe, our politicians have some skin in this game and that they might stand to gain something from throwing billions into oil and gas?

      • Cyborganism
        12 months ago

        I think Trudeau is a good guy IRL. He just joined the wrong party because of his dad’s legacy.

        I think his real values were more in line with the NDP which he should have joined in the first place.

        Now he’s stuck with a party with Neo liberal ideals that he has no choice but to promote.

        • Jaytreeman
          62 months ago

          I think our three major parties are all neoliberal. They all want to do the same things, they just argue against how much to spend and who to give the money to.
          There’s exceptions of course. Notably guns and marginalized people.
          I’d prefer not to have a neoliberal government, but until then I’m voting for more freedom for everyone. (NDP or Green)

            32 months ago

            There are good labour movement people in the NDP. For example I think it’s tragic that Charlie Angus lost to Singh for party leadership. But currently the NDP leadership pushes more on “neoliberal with some leftist lip-service” than actual labour ideals.

              • Nik282000
                22 months ago

                Can we elect the entire staff of The Beaverton? They might actually do a good job.

                2 months ago

                Socialists are extremely good at economics, because they throw out all the capitalist indoctrination garbage that economics is plagued with. Opinions about Carl M and Freddy E aside, their knowledge and communication of economics is second to none; that book is still making solid predictions to this day and all of that despite the myriad of large mistakes and flaws its writers ended up having to correct early on.

                Capitalists on the other hand are some of the stupidest motherfuckers out there. All marketing crap, models that don’t make any sense at all (but it makes sense to them and you’re the idiot for not understanding) and they always run their companies into the ground whenever someone is stupid enough to put them in charge. I specially remembered one business course I took way back when being so completely and utterly full of shit that I wasn’t surprised when I later heard that he got himself banned from teaching after they found out he was a scam artist who was consistently grifting their way into trying to get people to buy into their marketing crap. I’ll just take their word on it; I wouldn’t know because I left that waste of oxygen’s class half-way and from what I heard the rest didn’t last much longer. I presume the only reason it took them so long to find out what he was doing is because nobody actually made it to the end to receive the scam payload.

            12 months ago

            The NDP are the closest thing to a left party we have (outside voting for the communist party (fun fact; we have a communist party)) and they’ve been clearcutting forests, creating an astronomical fuck ton of homeless people and gentrifying the fuck out of the place.