Need help identifying this unmarked roughly 6" CI? Any idea of age and manufacturer?

  • themeatbridge
    31 year ago

    I suppose you could show us a pic of the back, but if there are no markings anywhere on the pan, I’m not sure how anyone would identify it.

    • Nougat
      41 year ago

      Picture of the underside would be useful. Is there a fire ring? What does that look like? Cast iron can often be identified by the handle design, too, that one looks vaguely like the Red Mountain that I have … but not quite. And the sides look a bit too tall for what I’ve seen.

      21 year ago

      Have you seen those guys who identify places around the globe with only a split second view of somewhere on google maps? Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

      Do I have that way? No, but the internet be crazy good at identifying shit.