So far Lemmy is vibing. Everyone here is excited and optimistic and willing to put up with a few rough spots to be part of something.

When the Eternal September comes, which it will, how does a Lemmy instance deal with bad actors?

    51 year ago

    Is there an equivalent of “going dark” in lemmy? Like if there is some “global” or “fediverse” issue that communities want to protest, is there the same option as back on Reddit that they are using now?

    • Izax
      161 year ago

      The closest thing I could think of is other instances blocking the troublesome one. Maybe if they add support for moving your account to another instance, then you could just move in protest.

        31 year ago

        This is it. Once import/export is available, it would be easy enough to just move over to another instance and not deal with whoever is running your current one. I doubt we would ever see any major issues with Lemmy itself, given the open source nature.

    • @ojmcelderry
      141 year ago

      The decentralised nature of it makes that much harder. But also much less likely to be required.

      For example, could you imagine a scenario where emails “go dark”? It’d require individual email services to go dark.

      121 year ago

      Communities can unfederate themselves at the click of a button (by an admin, of course). Or they can blacklist “bad” instances. Or whitelist specific instances and connect to nobody else.