I think this is the toothbrush we will all share under communism
Mom said it’s my turn with the toothbrush.
OUR toothbrush
When you think about it it’s just one big
Comrade, we have seized the Cobor toothbrush factory
there has been some translation done here lol
It says “made in the P.R.C” on the back, if someone can speak mandarin here I want to know how this happened lol
They are saying you must purge the counter revolutionary cavities and plaque infiltrating the Central Oral Committee, which includes the Teeth Organ and Gum Congress
to capitalists, teeth are luxury bones
i am honestly perplexed and intrigued
I’ve seen the term “Communist successor” thrown around in some translated Chinese webnovels, often to refer to oneself as something like a patriot (though it is often in a comedic context, or bringing up communist ideals to derail a conversations). Maybe this is that term translated a different way?
The peoples tooth brush
It’s for protecting the gums of our precious new socialists
I should start a toothbrush brand called Joey Steel, and it’s all socialist themed toothbrushes