What does it mean to be a Hero? Well, in the fairytale land of Albion, that is entirely up to you. With a dark threat looming, and in a world where your repu…

  • stephfinitely
    11 year ago

    The trailer is very interesting. Not at all what I expected from a Fable game. But since there is no game play footage it’s hard to say what the game will actually be like.

  • patchw3rk
    11 year ago

    I remember renting ‘Fable’ from my local Blockbuster thinking it might be a good little game for the weekend. I had no idea what I was about to experience. It was such an amazing surprise.

  • OneShoeBoy
    11 year ago

    Beyond hyped, the Fable series was the gateway drug that got me in to RPGs and video games as a whole.