Disappears for a while and then the same few users pop up spamming it with their generic karma farming post titles like, “The funny thing is they think it’s a joke. The funnier thing is they’ll think we’ll sell more than one share when it gets to our individual floors.”

You have to be completely disconnected from reality to think that’s even a remote possibility in an alternate universe. Furthermore, it does incredible damage to the community because it makes the holders look like gullible morons. Which tbf, many are.

  • Smobius@lemmy.whynotdrs.org
    2 years ago

    What part of infinite risk is it that you do not understand?

    Nobody knows how high it might go, but statistically very few will sell at the absolute peak. We are in a freaking alternate universe with this whole thing and left reasonable land a long time ago.

    Do I believe 200m? Not really, but claiming it to be impossible is false.

  • IntwadHelck@lemmy.whynotdrs.org
    2 years ago

    U seem to be clearly new, and haven’t watched that counter grow from the very beginning……I think we may have a live one here folks….or a trusmooth that needs to mirror up and do gutcheck on what this play really is

    Edit add: I c ur not new, but maybe just a pompous trusmooth……dude, this one is symbolic as fuck. Ur realism, is lack of gusto and unnecessarily jaded or just very wrong imo. I recognize we just may be on the opposite sides of the same coin, and I’m alright with that. But I would ask u to check urself, and filter what u think is fact a bit more…cuz I think I could argue lots of what u’ve stated as fact as incorrect