God damn it is so much more fun than using the right thumbstick as a terrible analogue for a mouse!
I wish games on console supported this because it is truly the best way to play
It looks like (most) shooters can be played with this at the level matching KB&M, so I think if the console player opts into this they are to be treated like KB&M players.
Historically there were issues around unifying PC and console matchmaking - achieving the perfect aim assist amount seems to be impossible. Adding flick stick instead of aim assist seems to be much more fair.
almost never play a shooter unless it has some gyro functionality.
splatoon (wii-u) was truly a swim-or-drown situation with everyone learning at the same time and it was glorious
You can do this in driving games like Gran Turismo as well, to turn the car with the gyroscope in the DualShock 4 or 5 controller instead of using the analogue stick.
The main problem with gyro controls Is that you lose quite a lot of precision. A skilled controller player on high sensitivity using an analogue stick will be more precise than a player using the gyroscope to aim or steer every time, and will be able to move and adjust just as fast as gyroscope players due to the high sensitivity.
So yeah while gyro controls are great for a lot of players, you’re going to struggle against top controller players, or top steering wheel players, or top keyboard and mouse players, depending on the game type. But then again, this doesn’t matter for most gamers, let’s be real most people are not playing against the top 0.1% of players and will struggle against them anyways, so for most people gyro controls will be a huge improvement.
im too old for this an im a boomer’s kid
see this is the boomer mindset we must strive to rise above
don’t be a boomer
I refuse your call to stop being a boomer. As a defrag player (the boomer version of cs:s bhop/surf), I have trained over the past twenty four years to move the mouse as smooth as the laws of physics allow in order to always beat the top
by two hundredths of a second.
(actually, on no-shooting maps, since there’s no need for vertical camera, maybe the stick is ok? If 360 deg. is 1/2 - 1/3 of a full turn. But how consistent will the strafing be then?)
btw, would like to see how good flick stick is in arena shooter duels.
This is missing the biggest reason not to use a controller: computers operate using kb+m by default, so just using the peripheral I already have to have saves me $70 or whatever a gyro controller costs.
steam deck also RSI also variable rate character movement
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