I haven’t played the game but I heard that it turns out that your character has been brainwashed in the MKULTRA program and you can choose to turn on the CIA and defect to the Soviet Union
Trying to go for the chud money and the online communist money, the grift never stops.
Actually, this is probably a good sign. The previous Black Ops set in the cold war had you play as the same all-American, VC-and-Russian-massacring CIA guy, who thwarts the evil communists at the end of a linear campaign with no choices.
This time, the company with DoD funding and pretty anticommunist views has apparently decided that Socialists are now a market share large enough to pander to.
Black Ops has always had a sliiiiiight edge of subversion in it. The soldier characters are always flimsy pawns in the CIA machine and there’s always been an undercurrent of dread about what their deaths are really for. Glad to see they’re putting some real meat on those bones in this one
lol as soon as i heard you could side with the soviets i figured it’d end with you nuking the world because the ussr isn’t allowed to be shown as anything other than absurd, over the top villains
but they are America’s nukes. Lol no shit this is a quote about defending putting neutron bombs in every European capital secretly
Ours are for defense not offense! Can’t you tell the difference?
Plot wise it would have made more sense to just leak the proj. Greenlight intel to the European countries to sway them over. Guess they really couldn’t help themselves. I also think its funny that people are refering to the canon ending as the ‘good ending’. You literally get used, brainwashed and killed by the cia.
You need to watch Queens Gambit. Really refreshing cold war stuff where the American players learn from the Soviet collectivist style and the soviet players are shown to be honorable dudes
I got into a Twitter fight with a lib just the other day who was ADAMANT that Castro wanted to nuke the US. I asked for a source and they just said “uh, look up the Cuban Missile Crisis, idiot”
These people will twist reality to fit their preconceived notions. You could say “of Cuba staining nukes on their territory meant they wanted to nuke America then the US putting nukes in Turkey meant we wanted to nuke the USSR” and they’d probably just say “yes”.
Wow it even lets you RP as a Posadist!
:pog-dolphin: no underwater levels though, are they even trying? :pseudorca:
They want people to engage with the propaganda and to weaken criticism that that’s what it is. At the same time they don’t just want to send you a message telling you “America good, commies bad,” they want to present a decision in such a way that you (well, the average person) would choose America. And including MKULTRA stuff, like, the message you’re supposed to think isn’t, “the CIA does no wrong,” it’s, “the CIA does the bad stuff that’s necessary to protect us from evil commies.” I haven’t engaged with the content at all but from what I’m gathering the defection choice involves nuking the world out of personal spite and revenge, while the America choice is the one where you decide to be the bigger person and do the right thing for the world.
Hilariously enough I went on youtube to watch the end cutscene and the top videos are labeled “bad ending” and “good ending.” Guess which one is which
Holy shit!
Critical support for the Absolute madlads at Activision who got DOD funding to make this.