انا سعيد في وجودي في هذا المجتمع و يعجبني جدا انكم تعرفون حقيقة الصهيونية و ان ادمغتكم ليست مغسولة من رواية الصهيونية، انا فعلا سعيد لانني عندما اتحدث، اتحدث مع ناس عقلاء يعرفون كل شي يدور حواليهم، انني اريد ان اشكر محمد صديقي جدا لانه هو الذي عرفني عليكم و كان هذا شرف كبير لي بمعرفتكم ي اصدقاء و اريد ان اشكركم على كل شي قدمتوه للقضية الفلسطنية
For non Arabic speakers
The title says
“My Happiness here”
And the following text says
“I am happy that I am in this community and I like that you know the truth of Zionism and that you are not brainwashed from the Zionist narrative ,I am genuinely happy because when I have a conversation ,I talk to sane people that know everything that happens around them , I want to thank my friend Mohammed because he is the one who introduced me to you and it’s a great honor for me to know you friends and I wanna thank you for everything you did for the Palestinian cause”
I really don’t know how to thank you, my friend. You were always with me at all times. Thank you for everything
ما في داعي تشكرني اخي ،واجب علي أني أساعدك
I really don’t know how to thank you, my friend. You were always with me at all times. Thank you for everything
stay safe comrade
I will always try my friend
العالم يقف إلى جانب فلسطين وشعبها
I thank every person who stands by us and supports our Palestinian cause
From the river to the sea
I swear to you that she will be free one day, but it will only be a matter of time
Reminds me of a conversation at the end of r/cth:
Don’t mention it, any time.
Through your endurance, you and your countrymen exemplify the best of humanity.
Oppression is the most common reality, but it has not always been that way, and God willing, within our lifetimes it will no longer be that way.
As people who care, we make spaces like this, online and in real life, for solidarity and freedom. We are a small minority today, but tomorrow we will be more widespread.
Exactly, we are undoubtedly a minority, but I have complete awareness of what is happening around us, and I am certain that one day we will become a majority because many people have become aware and want a site like this in order to have their freedom to speak and express their entire opinion, which they cannot. They do this on any other site
I hope to see a free Palestine within my lifetime, and I hope one day you’ll get to live the rest of your life in your homeland in peace and freedom. Stay safe, comrade.
I hope so soon Thank you for your supportive words and your great humanity