If you replace all the letters in Cheltenham with penis, it spells penis!
It spells penispenispenispenispenispenispenispenispenispenis doesn’t it?
My homie, there’s no issues with not knowing what female genitalia look like. It’s surprising in the digital age, but it’s fine to avoid such things. However, maybe don’t make a comparison to female genitalia without checking.
Book a gynaecologist appointment if yours looks like that.
When the poster has no understanding of human anatomy.
The vagina is inside.
This post would be funnier if it were funny.
Watches home under the hammer
Glances at the sky box
Looks back at the TV
Looks at the sky box again
That’s certainly an… Observation. Personally, I think it looks a little more like an eye.
Get your mind out of the gutter
It’s winking at me!
Looks more like a pregnancy test tbh…