Um hi! Im new, still trying to figure out lemmy but i was told people here are neat so i guess read my bio and hmu ^^
Id like to be one of your perv freinds. Your fucking stunning
Hey, welcome to Lemmy! NSFW communities don’t automatically mark posts as NSFW here, so please edit your post to add an NSFW flag.
It’s marked as NSFW for me so it must have failed to federate to your server because lemmy is special like that.
Also if anyone asked I wasn’t under this post.
Maybe it’s the later addition of an nsfw tag, that didn’t get transfered?
Yes, that happens when you edit the post after the fact. When it’s marked on the initial post then there’s no such problem.
Makes sense
No it looks like i really did miss the tag am so sorry but i fixed it hopefully 😖
It’s fixed :D
You’re very pretty!
Awe thank you! That means a lot actually you have no idea
i was told people here are neat
All I can hear in my head is Marge Simpsons going “I just like those Lemmy users, they’re neat.”
Lol damn now im gunna be wondering if the way i speak is marge coded 😆
Honestly, not the worse thing in life.
Awesome boobs, great you’re here!
Awe thanks so much, im enjoying it so far
do you have onlyfans?
No i dont haha not looking to make money just perv friends i guess XD sorry
That’s refreshing to hear. I never interact with these threads as I always assume it’s people wanting to earn money.
Tbh i think i jist kinda appreciate the attention so i kinda feel like thats the trade off. I give people a nude in exchange for maybe having some decent degen convos lol
Do you feel people wouldn’t give you attention if you weren’t trading nudes?
Not necessarily, but it also helps my self esteem and confidance to post some nudes, and its exciting knowing people are seeing me naked without knowing who i am
Thanks for entertaining my questions.
I hope you know I wasn’t judging you and I was more curious. I don’t like to post anything online too personal so it was intriguing to understand why someone might like too.
Take care.
You are fine 🙂 i really can be just an open book online so i really dont mind answering questions or anything it dosent bother me at all. I hope you have a good day ❤️
Hello, hope you enjoy it here. Great boobs :P
Oh well thank you 😅
I love your fingernails in that shot.
Thanks ^^ sadly ive already broken most of them since i posted this cuz im clumsy as hell
That’s the bummer with nails. Nice while they last!
Your boobs look very nice.
Damn, you’re hot and cute. Wanna hug you to make you feel good… naked… might feel something grow ;D
I love that you’re the perfect mix of shy and brave, that’s sexy IMO. I also really like that you do this just for the fun of it and not for money. It’s much more fun when the person posting is doing it simply because they wanted to. Also, loving the pics and hoping to see more! ❤️
I don’t really know how I stumbled on this post, but I made an account just to say you’re really cute and you have insanely nice boobs