“Antifascism? That’s literally fascism”
A phrase spoken only by fascists
For any potential commenters who don’t understand, fascism isn’t when politically motivated threats of physical violence, it’s when far-right-wing, ultra-nationalist, centralized autocracy, belief in and support of social hierarchies, strong regimentation of society and the economy, and politically motivated threats of physical violence
Hey wait a second, one of the political parties in the US fits all those descriptions…
Boiled down, fascism is the belief that one group of humans is inherently better than another and as such should reign superior or wipe anyone out that resists. Could be motivated by racial, political or religious beliefs. In the US, it seems like all of those come together.
From a forign perspective it might as well fit both.
From an outside perspective, it’s the difference between someone looking at you with distaste, and someone aggressively attempting to sink a 9" knife into your gut, repeatedly, while standing in a pile of cut up baby corpses. Just because both sides have issues, doesn’t mean the 2 are comparable.
If the scenario was what you detailed you would of course be right. But it seems more like:
- Imperialism and pollution wrapped in the right-wing.
- Imperialism and maybe just a little less pollution wrapped in the left-wing.
I don’t care who fucks up their own country more. I care about who fucks me up more, which currently is basically the same for both sides.
They’re both the same except one of them wants the entire LGBT community dead and one of them wants more renewable energy
But yeah totally both the same
But you don’t understand… They aren’t LGBT, so it doesn’t impact them and are clueless about how climate change affects them, so they don’t care.
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Fuck off with this absolute bullshit
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Which clearly displays the bias in your perspective, maybe you need a new angle.
Look, I can wholeheartedly belive Party A does good for it’s country, while Party B does bad. But somehow both do on my expense.
Yeah, that’s how taxes work dipshit. Anyways, I thought you were foreign?
I’m indeed not from the USA. I meant expense as in “loss for the sake of something gained”.
Antifascism isn’t fascism, but Antifa, in a lot of public outings (where presumably only a minority of people go) behaves very fascist.
“behaves very fascist”
Yeah those evil fascist protestors doing violence, waving American flags, demanding strict social hierarchies, with ultra-right-wing views
Im talking about Europe. Where I’m from. Not everyone is american.
And your claim is still a big fat lie.
Reasons why I think Antifa is fascist:
- they paint people they don’t like as ‘Nazis’ - just like right wing fascists like to paint everyone they don’t like as a ‘jew’
- they endorse violence against these ‘Nazis’
- they self-radicalize by echo-chambering, removing themselves farther and farther from the “real world”
Do you not agree with these statements?
Are they also ultra-nationalist, ultra-right-wing, and in favor of strict social hierarchies? There’s more to fascism than just being mean to people you don’t like
According to Britannica:
Fascism : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
While what I described is not centrally controlled by a dictator (and anyone claiming that Antifa was centrally controlled is a nutcase, I agree), the way Antifa as a collective behaves does try to “control the lives of people, not allowing them to disagree with them” - at least in my opinion. You’re free to have your own.
Antifa literally just means antifascism. If you are an antifascist you are antifa.
No. Antifa is the Antifaschistische Aktion. It’s an organization that exists, although rather loosely organized.
I don’t know about your American weird ass bullshit, but that is the actual true Antifa.
There are many organizations under that label, they usually are not organized between each other at all and have very different philosophies of what and how they want to do.
There is no AntiFa e.V.
There’s also no Nazi e. V. - yet for some reason Antifa groups like to label everyone not agreeing with them as a nazi.
Yes that party is the Democrats – Absolute morons, I mean just real dumb fuckers
Yeah the Democrats, with their, uhh, ultra-nationalism? Strict social hierarchies? Far right-wing ideology? Uhhhhhhh
I’m not saying you’re intentionally ignorant and I know this is a lot of words to read, but…
For any potential commenters who don’t understand, fascism isn’t when politically motivated threats of physical violence, it’s when far-right-wing,
Which party has more objectively conservative views?
Which party literally has a group called the Proud Boys? Which party tends to manipulate the American flag for all their causes i.e. Thin blue line? Which party thinks America is strictly for Americans and anyone outside our borders is somehow undesirable?
centralized autocracy,
Autocracy is a system of government in which absolute power is held by the ruler, known as an autocrat.
Which party idolizes their leader, flies flags with his name on it, wears his slogan on their clothes? Which party seems to think that anything their leader says is the truth, anyone who disagrees is a liar (fake news, alternative facts)? Which party literally tried to force their leader into power despite losing the election.
belief in and support of social hierarchies, strong regimentation of society and the economy,
Which party keeps reducing and eliminating social benefits because if you’re of a lower economic status, you somehow deserve less? Suggesting that the minimum wage shouldn’t be increased? And conversely, which party seems to think that billionaires deserve to have that money because they’re somehow smarter or work harder?
and politically motivated threats of physical violence
Which party had a noose hanging outside the capitol on January 6th?
Philosopher Karl Popper described the paradox of tolerance as the seemingly counterintuitive idea that “in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.” Essentially, if a so-called tolerant society permits the existence of intolerant philosophies, it is no longer tolerant.
TL;DR punch a nazi
Love this. Down with fascism!
I too remember in the history books when all the countries banded together holding flowers politely asking the Nazis to stop invading and massacring them.
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Is Pepsi OK?
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Nevermind! Back to war!
Neville Chamberlain, and his appeasement policy. It was about as effective as you’d imagine.
Chamberlain gets a lot of shit, but he was also responsible for massively ramping up the production of fighter planes, which is the only reason why England survived the Battle of Britain.
Hitler lost at the market place of ideas.
“All political violence = fascism” 🤡
Fascism is when you commit violence against fascism. Which is bad because fascism isn’t violent. Wait a minute…
how we defeated fascism
I must admit I read “defederated”.
If only it was that easy.
To be fair, there was also this raping and marauding red army led by one of the biggest assholes of modern history west allied with.
That said beating fash of any flavor is always self defense.
One of the worst things hitler did was make stalin look even vaguely sane or competent by comparison.
As long as you’re not literally the worst you kind of get a pass in human culture.
That’s hyperbole. Stalin got a pass back then strictly out of necessity in the ongoing war against the Axis powers. However that didn’t mean people thought he was a good guy then, and neither does anyone but tankies nowadays either.
Except Stalin killed and oppressed more people than Hitler, he just hid it better and was on our side for a bit.
The “Free Market of Ideas” is just “Heads I win, Tails you lose” by another name
I will defeat fascism in the Marketplace of Ideas… after I defeat them on planet fucking earth, that is.
Should be an assault rifle.
God knows the fascists will have em
Baseball really does bring people together but I’d bring a gun in case things go south young Padawan
Oops accidentally ascribing the urge to do violence to Nazis as political rather than moral is telling.
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I don’t buy it. There is a really big difference between a nation fighting an existential war with a military, and performative, mostly nonlethal, vigilante political violence. The latter is useful to fascists for obvious reasons; the experience of violence is at the core of their ideology, they have a clear path for using the trauma for hazing and indoctrination, it attracts attention, it attracts potential sympathy for the same reason it may serve the goals of nonviolent protestors to have violence seen being done to them in the course of their protest.
Trying to engage with them this way seems like it would clearly advance their goals more than it would harm them. How could it do otherwise? Do people think activists respond to light beatings by becoming dissuaded from their activism? I feel like this kind of messaging is pushed either by fascists themselves or by people with goals aligned with fascists, like involving more people in violence and bringing the overall political climate closer to a civil war situation.
Unfortunately, nothing is ever enough for fascists. You can be as peaceful with them as possible and they’ll still try to kill you. We had a democratic election in the US in 2020 and when the fascists lost they tried to do a violent coup. How much more peaceful can we be? It’s really unfortunate but I think the reality is that fascists only understand power and violence and ultimately you need to throw that all back at them as hard as you can and send them into hiding. The minorities the fash hate will be targeted by them and violence WILL happen against them even if you protest them as peacefully and legally as possible. Minorities deserve to live in peace and security without “paying the cost” of keeping things civil.
fascists only understand power and violence
Maybe, but the question is how do they understand it? You hit one of those people, how do they interpret and react to that? I don’t think it’s the way you would want them to. I think there is a threshhold for the level of violence at which terrorism actually works, and that threshhold is way past the point where things get really fucking dark. So you either go there, or you look for better options with fewer side effects, because in this case I think low level violence is clearly going to advance their cause rather than harm it. As for what those other options might be, I don’t exactly know, I’m not saying they have to be nice or polite or peaceful, just thought through a little better than advocating casual brawls.
It’s just a meme
Just like how dropping little boy on Hiroshima ended fascism in imperial Japan am I right? Big stick is always justified when it comes to fascism