• goombakid
    61 year ago

    I’ve been noticing that a lot more POS tablets have been putting the 20% or 25% tip to the far left where people expect the “minimum” 15% to be, and some set the “minimum” to 18%.

    • Flaky_Fish69
      51 year ago

      it’s not just this. It’s that it’s showing up in places one would not have ordinarily tipped at. like fast food joints.

      the worst part is there’s really no way to know if management is even giving them the tips. (which is illegal. wage theft.)

  • LifeInOregon
    21 year ago

    Here’s where I tip:

    1. Restaurant’s where waitstaff come to my table for my order and with my food.
    2. Small coffee shops where the person taking my order is also making my coffee.

    Nowhere else. AND, I have a small stash of bills that I use to tip in cash. Never use the built-in tipping feature.

  • rigatti
    21 year ago

    Tipping culture is out of control. Don’t get me wrong, I leave tips when expected, but I hate it.

  • Sinnerman
    11 year ago

    I hate those new swivel credit card payment things so much that I started paying for everything in cash.

    I do a lot of takeout and I generally give 1-3 dollar bills as tip. People have been OK with that, and at least I can see who’s getting it.