Welcome to the world of gaming, where innovation meets eccentricity. Gamers, much like any other subculture, have their fair share of trends and products that, while well-intentioned, often land on the cringe-worthy spectrum. In this blog post, we’re diving headfirst into the top 5 cringe-worthy items that you might find in a gaming setup. From gaming gloves that look like you’re about to perform open-heart surgery to energy drinks that promise to turn you into a gaming superhero, prepare for a

    • ImNotBobDylan0OP
      110 months ago

      That’s hard work in progress right there, i also run no google ads soooo

      • LinkOpensChest.wav
        110 months ago

        Neither do I, but you’re trying to scam vulnerable people into buying trash

        And fuck ads. You and your ads don’t belong on Lemmy, Google or otherwise