Funnily enough, the 3 he listed (Red Star, MUG, and Commie Caucus) are the 3 I’d most recommend people check out. Unless you have a strong preference for one of them I’d just join whichever is most active in your area.
Funnily enough, the 3 he listed (Red Star, MUG, and Commie Caucus) are the 3 I’d most recommend people check out. Unless you have a strong preference for one of them I’d just join whichever is most active in your area.
Yeah like to me it seems believable that maybe the cia or someone else had something to do with that particular attack, but like if you are going to go through the effort of jacking a plane, why not just ram the plane into it, why go through the extra effort of sending a missile, and then what, paying off witnesses & airtraffic controllers, landing the plane at a blacksite and shooting everyone?
What I recall is that in the south, Russia has 3 big lines of defense. After that, there’s very little all the way to the coast. If that’s true, and if Ukraine has broken through the first line, then that could be taken to mean they are 1/3rd of the way to making massive gains in the south. For a while their “summer counteroffensive” had been kind of a joke because it wasn’t even confronting that first line, but if what some western media is saying is true, then that might no longer be the case.
Of course, without knowing casualties on either side, it’s tough to know what “breaking through the first line” even really entails. Like if this was the culmination of months of costly fighting with little gain, then it would not mean the same thing as it would if like idk Russia was taking massive losses trying to hold the line or something.
If herodotus says this ancient battle had a million soldiers then I believe him
I saw the kyiv independent (lol) claim that Ukraine had a good shot of breaking through the other 2 by the end of the year, citing US intelligence. Not saying I trust them but that seems like a bold thing to claim if they aren’t even sure themselves Ukraine broke through the first line
Wait so has Ukraine at long last broken through that first defensive line? Seeing more claims of it
I honestly don’t know a whole lot about neokauts (I think they are also pro-lenin? Whatever the politics of cosmonaut magazine are) but from what I have seen the organizational strategies they’ll push for are much better than that of “berniecrats”.
The new elected majority to the NPC (highest body in the org) are of the left/marxist side of the DSA. Now of those you have a lot of neokautskyists and the like but they deserve a little more credit than berniecrats.
Yeah I’m the same, it’s also that and when it comes to playing against players it feels like it’s more about knowing the general metas and then having a good enough apm to implement them better than your opponent.
getting kiwifarms and destiny banned is funny and good but yeah from what I can tell she’s politically basically the same as vaush
I love ATLA but it did have traces of the same cringe liberalism with how they treated the characters violently resisting a genocidal empire.
I feel like a lot of that sentiment stems from being forced to read them in High School without an instructor guiding you along to contextualize the piece and explain/help appreciate essentially why it is considered a classic.
There are parts that sound plausible but I do not believe that someone getting his ass kicked by actual anarchists would shout “You’re violating the NAP!” It’s just absolutely beyond parody, there’s no way that happened, I can’t believe it.
If you count the John Bolton panel, Trump is also 2.
“Smoke my cigar” would become the new “ride my helicopter” for reactionaries.
if neokautskyism was a beer