Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.
Preemptive Deadman sounds like a Hideo Kojima character
Still have trouble, but after being medicated, it’s amazing what a difference it makes. Now I’m only disabled (by exhaustion) after the appointment; not spending the hours before the appointment frantically checking the clock and doing nothing else.
Even if the US pulls all support, Ukraine will always be the one making the decision. Russian dipshits.
A quick trip to West Virginia will show the weakness of this analysis.
100% white communities with tap water that looks like sludge 💪💪💪💪💪
You should trample some of their crops and collect fines for marrying without permission to motivate them.
Extended period of awkward silence, followed by incoherent response which may not be actual English, of uncertain approval or disapproval, and ending with apologizing and leaving.
Nailed it 😎
Historians regularly point out that Scipio’s victory over Hannibal was a little bit too poetic in nature, as if designed to fit into a wider cultural narrative.
I’ve literally never heard this claim before, do you have any examples of the claim being made?
Maybe this is what’s wrong with the world today. What kind of timeline would we have had if Carthage had defeated the Romans
Titus, get the cross
Explanation: In the First Punic War, the Roman Republic utterly smashed its nemesis, Carthage. In the Second Punic War, things might’ve gone similarly, except for a brilliant Carthaginian general - Hannibal - who spent almost two decades terrorizing the Romans in their own heartland, using a number of novel stratagems to outwit and outmatch the numerically superior Roman forces, and crush them in open battle.
During this time, a young Roman aristocrat, our dear Scipio (later given the name Africanus for his victories), entered into military service. Learning from Hannibal’s strategies and tactics, and with a razor-sharp mind of his own, Scipio managed to flip the script and used Hannibal’s own tactics against other Carthaginian forces, eventually culminating in a battle between Scipio and Hannibal himself, a battle which Scipio won.
Learn from your enemies, kids - it could save your Republic one day!
Maryland National Guard, yep. General Tubman o7 o7 o7
Extremely noncredible
I mean okay and? What I’m trying to is that China is usually on the government dictatorship side of the spectrum so it’s weird that they’re suppressing free speech about a private—and foreign—government with no ties to Beijing.
Tesla does massive amounts of business in China, what are you talking about? Their latest Chinese factory cost literal billions of dollars.
Why would a government more on the ‘dictatorship side of the spectrum’ have any problem with suppressing free speech about their wealthy investors?
I mean tbf this is out of character for China.
You’re fucking kidding, right
My hatred of people responsible for Trump’s victory is extremely intense. The idea of unifying with any of them, including the leftist abstainers, is absurd.
If it comes to down them or literal fascists, I’ll do what they didn’t have the moral backbone to do, and side with people I think are completely spineless, amoral, genocidal cunts to avert a worse situation.
In every other case, they can go fuck themselves.
But I was told China was the only country which was keeping those damn capitalists in line???
“If things aren’t good enough, we should make them worse to teach those layabouts a lesson!” - People who have no intention of suffering the consequences of their actions
There are a ton of different year calendars. The BC/AD calendar is very much a Western/Western-derived thing, stemming from a Catholic Christian estimation. It’s convenient, because it got widespread, but it’s only one system of many.
Many ancient systems judged the date by the regnal year of the ruler, ie “Third year of the rule of Agum the Third”. It’s much less convenient for figuring out when something happened than systems that continuously count from a single starting year, but exact chronologies of events in the distant past were less important for most people.
Think of it like an autoimmune disorder - in an attempt to keep the community safe, it attacks anything of its own that looks even slightly out of order.