Happy Birthday.
This is good work. How/where did you source your data?
You’re right; it’s sad there’s no class solidarity in this country.
Lower Decks is okay. Picard is like the fantasy of an old man dying in a nursing home, who wishes he could just see is friends one more time.
This is beautiful.
Israel is the George Zimmerman of countries. That’s why the hogs love them.
I got out of the hospital in December. Thank you for the well wishes.
Thank you.
Thank you for the advice.
Thank you. I’ve been there too. I tried to get her to come here, but she didn’t want anything to do with our “commie shit”.
Thank you, I will keep this in mind when the time comes.
Yes it does. Without you guys, I never would have made it out. Thank you all.
Thank you.
Thanks. I haven’t been on in some time and was quite surprised by how much more stuff is being posted.
Thank you, I really do appreciate it.