What’s sad is I almost believed that
On the App Store, it’s also under the “essentials” section. The “Must-have iPhone apps”. Lmfao. I hate that state of technology in 2023. Burn it all down.
Sorry if my response was unhelpful. My honest suggestion is to keep trying and eventually, hopefully, you’ll be able to find a group of people who appreciate who you are.
I’m sorry you had to experience that on discord. Unfortunately the internet has become a forum for everyone’s worst behavior. I think this might be a good metaphor or why masking is sort of pushed on neurodivergent individuals. Imagine the impossible task of uniformly cleaning up everyone’s behavior online. It’s probably one of the most persistent issues experienced online. Instead of changing everyone’s behavior, you change your own to avoid those types of uncomfortable situations. It’s the online version of real world masking. It’s unfortunate and really sucks and I wish it was different, but most humans are wired a certain way, and changing that wiring is equivalent to rewiring human nature, and if we could do that, the world would be a much different place.
As to the situation with your wife, I have this issue as a NT living with my NT wife and I don’t know a person alive who doesn’t. You’ll need to evaluate that situation alone because every relationship is different.
I can’t think of any well balanced person who would yell at someone who is neurodivergent for simply behaving in a way that is neurodivergent. Can you give an example of something like this happening? It could be very possible that you’ve just surrounded yourself with the wrong people, or you’ve inadvertently caused someone harm (really the only excusable reason to yell at someone).
I figure a head bleed might be hard to diagnose or treat ringside, so yeah, a tuna sandwich
During the pandemic, my family just stopped eating out except for special events. A habit we have kept to consciously, even today. Between the severely degraded standards of service, extreme increase in prices, and the “tip everyone” mentality (atop of now a 20% tip is bare minimum now?) the only service I use on a regular basis is a haircut.
Since we’ve stopped eating out we have learned how to cook a lot of great food we never would have eaten or learned to cook, lost weight, become healthier in our food choices. It’s solved a lot of problems for us. Also, we are able to actually save a significant portion of our income now instead of blowing it at restaurants and coffee shops.
People don’t need to eat out, and the food service industry is seeing now that people are voting against current practices and prices with their wallets. People are reprioritizing what is important and what is not. Adapt or die out, it’s pretty simple.
Very possibly a disabled or wheelchair bound person. Those containers suck. I’m surprised there isn’t more trash next to it
Just constant cycling between A and B for the most part
A third of that snail’s year is just slithering between the ant’s house and his own house
I did this as well, had no issues since
There is no reason to suspect this wordplay wasn’t done on purpose 🤔
Oh brother I am living what you actively stave off. It’s no fun having your kid run laps around your tired old ass haha
Thanks for the insight friend
I just posted a link to this on the sub for shits and giggles expecting it to either not work or get banned within minutes. Nope, it’s there and people are pissed. Guess he’s not even nodding his newly stolen sub
I love that idea!
Guys I pooed three times today
What about creating the groundwork for the community to come to? A migrating redditor will feel much more at home if all his/her favorite communities are already there looking pretty and new yeah?
Good advice, I agree. Any inside on best card to purchase within the price range I’m looking at? I was thinking 3060ti