I saw it explained best like this
Current imported price: $30
Current locally made price: $35
New imported price: $70
New locally made price: $69.99
I saw it explained best like this
Current imported price: $30
Current locally made price: $35
New imported price: $70
New locally made price: $69.99
because PS5 don’t have web browser support!
That one’s pretty easy though. Browsers are a HUGE attack surface for jailbreaking. It’ll happen eventually anyway, but I can’t say that I’m surprised
I’ll toss in Empire Records - the store set, the costumes, the music, the actors, the meandering listlessness… all scream “this is a 90’s movie about the 90’s”. Plus the whole Rex Manning plot is absolutely what happened to so many 70’s and 80’s artists. Not perfect by any means, but a great encapsulation of the decade.
For your average desktop or server installation, this isn’t big news. Where it matters a lot will be in embedded systems.
I see you’ve played knifey-spooney before…
You wildly underestimate most corporate IT security’s obsession with pushing updates to products like this as soon as they release. They also often have the power to make such nonsense the law of the land, regardless of what best practices dictate. Maybe this incident will shed some light on how bad of an idea auto updates are and get C-levels to do something about it, but even if they do, it’ll only last until the next time someone gets compromised by a flaw that was fixed in a dot-release
Oh for sure, I should have clarified that I was really speaking to the products that already have a US-based manufacturing presence and already have to compete with imports. Ramping up domestic production on things that aren’t already manufactured here because of the demented ramblings of a guy who (ostensibly) won’t be around in 4 years is just asking for your business to go under