contemporary democrats are not any better, they make hella frequent concessions to anti-competitive business practices under the guise of licensing or stimulus
US politics is a few hundred years old whereas European and other’s are thousands of years old? The rest of the world’s political perspective has a bit more precedent than ours.
contemporary democrats are not any better, they make hella frequent concessions to anti-competitive business practices under the guise of licensing or stimulus
This is why US democrats are considered center-right compared to the rest of the world.
What makes the rest of the world any better than US by using them as a metric.
The fact their Overton windows aren’t so skewed that a center right party is considered “the left”?
US politics is a few hundred years old whereas European and other’s are thousands of years old? The rest of the world’s political perspective has a bit more precedent than ours.
Far from perfect? Yes. Bad? Very often. Not any better than Republicans when it comes to corporate interests? Absolutely not.