• queermunist she/her
      5 months ago

      Biden won’t stop my red state from making me illegal. I can see it already! Red state declares being transgender to be a sex crime, it goes to the Supreme Court where they rule 5-4 in favor of the red state, and now I either flee or get rounded up into the camps.

      And all you will do is use this as campaign material to encourage people to vote for Democrats. You won’t help me, Biden won’t help me, I’ll just be detransitioned in prison and probably murdered. This could happen in Biden’s next term and nothing would change.

      Instead, how about you start thinking outside the ballot box and get ready to do something that actually matters?

      • @papertowels
        5 months ago

        The feeling of resignation is a direct result of letting trump in the first time and him appointing multiple conservative judges, especially on the supreme court. I’m not sure making it easier for him to repeat this again will help.

        Also, fwiw Biden is trying to help many people, but is also getting pretty tied up by said judges.

        • queermunist she/her
          5 months ago

          I didn’t “let” Trump in the first time? I voted and donated and then he stole the election because this is a shithole country where the candidate that loses the popular vote can become President anyway. Half the presidents in my lifetime lost the popular vote! It’s a joke.

          And guess what? It’s too late. The fascists already stole the Court because of Mitch McConnell deciding he didn’t want to play by the rules anymore. It’s over. 6-3! It can’t get easier, they can win every Court case they ever want and nothing fucking matters. Biden is “trying” but because he keeps playing by the rules he will always lose. He’ll keep “trying” while I’m marched to my death and that’s not fucking good enough.

          If my state passed a law that said it is legal to hunt down and murder trans people, I’d be dead before Biden did jack shit about it.

          • @papertowels
            5 months ago

            You didn’t “let” him, and props for doing what you did. The collective we “let” him - probably could’ve worded it better.

            The system is pretty fucked, you’re right.

            I’d still like to think that discouraging a trump presidency is the best approach, but I understand if you’re out of fucks to give.

            Internet stranger offering a hug - best of luck in these difficult times.

    • Diva (she/her)
      25 months ago

      The number one killer of queer and trans people has been US foreign policy and its unlimited support for israels genocide. You know brown people can be queer and trans right?

      • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
        65 months ago

        Ah, yes, it’s the US’ foreign policy that’s responsible for Iranian morality police killing brown LGBTQ+ people. It’s US foreign policy that’s responsible for Russia’s hard right turn that’s made being gay punishable by prison. It’s US foreign policy that’s responsible for passing laws that make being gay punishable by death sentences in parts of Africa (okay, that one is directly linked to support from evangelicals in the US, but they’re not acting as representatives for the US, and the US in general has been appalled by those laws).

        People in Gaza are going to be murdered regardless of which person is elected in the US. OTOH, LGBTQ+ people in the US will continue to have legal protections if Biden gets re-elected, and definitely won’t if Trump gets elected.

        But really my dude (and I mean that in a gender-neutral way), if you’re so sure that it won’t matter in the slightest, if you are absolutely convinced by your own righteous cause, go right ahead and vote for Trump, and then tell allllllllll your LGBTQ+ friends that you voted for Trump because Both Sides, and see what happens. Go ahead, do it. Explain to them that they’re all chumps and suckers, see just how far that goes with them.

        • queermunist she/her
          25 months ago

          People in Gaza are going to be murdered regardless of which person is elected in the US. OTOH, LGBTQ+ people in the US will continue to have legal protections if Biden gets re-elected, and definitely won’t if Trump gets elected.

          Unless red states and the Supreme Court decide to take away those protections under Biden’s second term. Do you think Biden would stop them?

          • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
            15 months ago

            SCOTUS blocked Biden’s attempts to cancel student loan debt. But he kept working at it, and he’s managed to get some of it to go through. I expect that, even if red states and SCOTUS block specific policies that are intended to protect that rights of LGBTQ+ people that Biden will keep working to find a way around them that still follows the law. And, if we can manage to flip the House and retain the Senate, then maybe we can actually get laws passed, rather than only executive actions.

            • queermunist she/her
              5 months ago

              I’m all for flipping the House and retaining the Senate! I’m voting Dem downticket, so if Trump wins it won’t really matter.

              But I won’t vote for genocide. Maybe next election Dems will fucking listen when I demand they stop supporting genocide.

              I really think the blue-no-matter-who’s would be better off encouraging this strategy. Biden is toxic. Cut him loose.

              • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
                15 months ago

                If you don’t vote Biden, then don’t be surprised when Trump uses executive orders that accelerate the genocide.

                • queermunist she/her
                  25 months ago

                  “If you don’t collaborate with polite fascism, don’t be surprised when the rude fascist is less polite!”

                  Biden already goes around Congress to give Israel more weapons, so you’re literally talking about something that’s already happening.

        • Diva (she/her)
          15 months ago

          listen up removed (gender neutral) I’m not going along with your bullshit warmongering, no matter who you threaten me with because the Democrats eat shit.

          Democrats are worthless when it comes to protecting trans people, and yeah shit sucks for queer people in other parts of the world too, but you’re not influencing that positively by including them as the excuse for your wars and interference. Treating people like pawns doesn’t engender loyalty.

          • @HelixDab2@lemm.ee
            25 months ago

            Democrats are worthless when it comes to protecting trans people,

            Uh huh. And yet Biden expanded protections for trans people under Title IX, and the governors that are all trying to criminalize simply being LGBTQ+ are all Republican.

            Again: vote for Trump, and tell all you IRL LGBTQ+ friends that you voted for Trump because Both Sides Are the Same, and see what happens. I don’t think you have the guts to do that. Prove me wrong. Shit, post it publicly on Facebook and Instagram before the election. Go ahead. Tell your friends that you don’t care enough about their safety right here in the US to do the absolute bare minimum, to step over a bar that’s so low that it’s on the ground, to help protect them. Don’t be a coward; say it directly to their faces instead of hiding behind a semi-anonymous account online.

            • Diva (she/her)
              25 months ago

              I already told everybody I knew I voted for Hillary back in 2020, you can relax lady (gender neutral).